Reading your Bible for today April 23

April 23: Matthew 10:38

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 10:38
38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

What would you think of a person who called you their friend and continued to do what friends should do right up to the point where you had something difficult to do – then disappeared or worse still, supported the other side? Would you then call them a friend, or call them an enemy? Would you think they had been a spy all along just to trap you? What sort of things would go through your mind?

When we are alone and get into trouble, we have to bear the consequences for what we have done. When we are in a crowd, yet different to everyone else in that crowd, we have to bear the consequences for being different to everyone else… Like a football fan sitting at the wrong end of a stadium in amongst the opposition, we may well feel totally cut off from everything ‘normal’. We may even give in to those around and follow what they are doing just to fit in. What we should be doing is standing up for our beliefs and others around should be respecting that… not much hope for that at a football match!

Being a Christian is going to mean we will be that odd one out a whole lot more than we used to be – unless we continue to walk amongst other Christians for the rest of our life. But whilst we think that would be good for our strength, comfort and faithfulness, we really need to get out into ‘the other side’ so we can demonstrate our beliefs and actually get stronger and not relax in our ‘safe environment’. Earlier in verse 27 we have Christ saying, “What I tell you in darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear, proclaim on the housetops”. There will be times where we have to be careful and talk in the dark to avoid detection, but most of the time we can and need to be open, true, plain and faithful. Christ could not do so much of the time until the time was right because He knew He would be crucified – we do not have that hanging over us.

If we are not willing to listen to Christ when He said we should take the gospel and tell it to everybody, then are we any better than a so called friend who has turned and run?

Points to Ponder:
Are your parents still there when you find yourself in trouble?

What more does God have to do before you recognise all you have done?


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