Reading your Bible for today April 24

April 24: Matthew 16:24-26

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 16:26
26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

How often do you change the rules so you can get your own way? How often do you make sure you get your own way before others? How often do you do it your way instead of God’s way? If we are going to be honest then we are going to admit to having our own way as our first thought more often than not. Whether we carry it out to completion or not is another matter – our mind is set on ourselves!

If we really want to be the Christians that Christ wants us to be, then we have to make sure we do allow others to come first in our lives, more specifically to allow God to come first in our lives. If we make sure we start every day with God first in our lives, we are going to at least start off in the right manner. That alone should give us the encouragement to continue doing His will for the rest of the day. But it is those days where we start out by thinking of ourselves first where things may well start to look bad.

How about focusing on God first by praising Him for what He has done in other people’s lives first, and then for what He has done in your life. Then put forward your prayers asking Him to support/encourage/look after other people and then finally ask Him to encourage you to keep others first in your day.  If we turn over our day to others to show Him (and them) that we are not selfish but want to be able to do His will, then He will answer our prayers. If we are going to be selfish and just think of ourselves and what He can do for us, then would you really expect Him to listen to you? Well, He does! But will you get your own way?

What gain would we have if we were to get everything going our way, to gain everything, if we would not make it to the first hurdle of actually putting our faith and trust in Him. How would we really feel if we got everything whilst others around us suffered? Do you really want God to make you first in His life, or are you willing to make God first in yours?

Points to Ponder:
How often do you get your own way?

How often do you ask God for your own way, ignoring others?


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