Reading your Bible for today April 6

April 6: John 8:2-11

KJV Key Verse: John 8:7
7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them,He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

We know God loves us because of what He has done for us. He has allowed His Son to die on the cross, so we may be forgiven of our sins. But if we are not taking notice of what He has done and why, then what use is it to us? If He has seen fit to do this for us, then should we not be taking this as an example and helping others and showing our love for others? If God is able to love, then we should be able to love too. It does not mean we have to do everything that other people say – far from it. It would not be out of love we do things which are wrong…

Saying we are going to do something and actually getting round to doing it are quite different. One is a promise of something to come; the other is the result of carrying out that promise. God gave us a promise He would send us a redeemer. He carried out that promise. He demonstrated His love for us rather than just telling us about it. He did it because of His love for us, a love which is far deeper than we know. He wants us to show that absolute love to others, a love that will last and that will overcome, not blame and shame.

Can you imagine being able to hear someone else’s thoughts? Would you be petrified to venture out in case you heard people thinking about you? What would others be thinking about whilst they were talking to you? More to the point, what goes through your mind when you talk to others? We may well be able to hide our thoughts from others, but we certainly cannot hide them from God. No matter how much we try to talk our way out of things, He is the one listening to your hearts and minds.

We need to demonstrate our Christian love for each other by doing things in the same manner as Jesus did. Do not heap up blame on others when we know we have our own faults. Do not talk about others when we know our own thoughts are sinful. Jesus was pure and Holy, but He still did not blame everyone; He gave His life for us instead!

Points to Ponder:
Do you ever think one thing and say another?

Which do you know that God will believe?


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