Reading your Bible for today May 21

May 21: Proverbs 1:7-9

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 1:8
8 My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:

You know, one thing that I am not good at is keeping in constant contact with my parents. Whenever I do ring them or talk to them, they are so happy to hear from me. Whenever I do visit, they do like to fuss over me and make me feel like the prodigal son coming home. They do this because of their love towards me, not the fact that I am so good to them, because I never feel like I can do enough for them.

Love is like that. Love makes you give 110%. Love makes you go further than is required. Love makes you do unexpected things! God's love to us has been shown in an extraordinary way. He allowed His son to give us His life for us on the cross, to pay for our sins. And He can only have done that for us because of His love for us. But how much do we actually give back to Him to show our love in return?

God wants us to be in constant contact with Him. He wants us to be with Him so He can shower us with blessings. He wants to give us loads of things in our lives to make them better. But in order for us to accept those gifts, we have to go to Him in the beginning! If we are not going to go to Him, then how is He supposed to continue showing us His love?

Our parents showed us so much love in the beginning by being there for us without us asking. They continue to look out for us even without us continuing to ask… But in order for them to know that we appreciate what they are doing for us, we have to thank them, and we have to show them we care what they do for us and think of us.

If we are to be wise, we have to live our lives according to Gods word. We have to make sure we do have Him in our lives so He can work in our lives. He does this all for love. We should be doing this all for love too.

Points to Ponder:
What was the last unexpected thing that your parents gave to you?

God wants to be your Father, are you willing to let Him?


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