Reading your Bible for today May 4

May 4: Matthew 23:23-24

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 23:24
24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

I think we have all been there at some stage – we look at the little things in life and either make big things of them or show others we are doing the little things; but when it comes to the bigger things, we hide them in the closet! Jesus’ warning to the Pharisees was quite descriptive and something they may not have forgotten for a while – the apostles certainly remembered it!

The more we look into God’s Word the more we find there is to look for. Sometimes it does seem overwhelming to see so many rules and regulations written down; how can we ever live up to being the people God wants us to be! That is when we start to try and bend the rules a little to fit better into our lives rather than us be changed to fit into Christ’s ways. The Holy Spirit is here to help us to live more like Christ, to be in a closer relationship with God. In order to do that we should listen to Him and obey Him.

Life on earth is for those who are living here on earth. We live amongst people who do not yet know Christ. We live with people who promote their own beliefs and their own ways of living. It does not mean we have to get involved with it all and it does not mean we should be ignoring it all either. To live with Christ means trying to live a Christian life amongst all people, an honest life showing off the truth about God and not living a lie just to fit in with the people around us!

The Pharisees seemed to have got it to a fine art where they did what things they knew they could do to ‘follow the law’ and swept the real things God wanted them to do under the carpet. Why would Jesus say the most important rules were to love God and love your neighbour unless He really meant it? Don’t pass by on the other side of the road just because it is more comfortable to do so. Live up to your life with Christ and make sure He is involved with everything you do – don’t try and do it all yourself because you will only achieve the things you think you can do! 

Points to Ponder:
Do you do the things you can well?

What about the real stuff God asks you to do?


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