Reading your Bible for today May 7

May 7: Psalm 102:12-17

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 102:17
He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer. 

The Psalmist writes of a time when God is going to forgive the people from doing wrong, from running away without Him, for a time when they will choose to come back to Him. And what is the promise given to the Psalmist from the scriptures? That God will never turn us away when we come to Him!

No matter what we have got up to, no matter what our situation in our past, God is always going to listen to the prayers of every single one of us. We don’t have to go to church before He hears us. We don’t have to donate before He hears us. We don’t have to do everything right before He hears us – He listens to all of our prayers. And because this is shown to be the case, Christ’s promise to us to answer our prayer is even more poignant! He answers because of His love for us and because He has said He will!

God has demonstrated all manner of forgiveness to all sorts of people in our history. This is all written down so we can know it as the truth and be able to depend on it too. Israel was used as an example for us to follow because God knew they their love would wane and He knew they would ask to be forgiven when they realised how much they needed Him. We too need God in our lives and we need that constant communion with Him just as many have shown in our bibles.

Listen to His promises. Look to His actions as they bare out those promises. Think about the reaction as He forgives and forgets our crimes toward Him. What an awesome God we have! These are promises we live with, these are actions we have seen repeated time and time again. Is it not time for us to put aside our own fears and live toward the truth that God will forgive us and will accept us in – no matter what!

Points to Ponder:
Are you willing to put aside your fears and trust in God?

Will you make your relationship personal?


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