Reading your Bible for today August 22

August 22: 2 Peter 1:19-21

KJV Key Verse: 2 Peter 1:20
20 Knowing this first, that no* prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

Many people may try to tell you about the day the earth is going to end, the sun explode or melt us or some other cataclysmic event. All of this is conjecture on their part because they have come to this conclusion on their own. They will try to back it up with some very excellent theories, science, politics and all manner of things; some will even use the bible to try and back up their claims. But what we need to do is to remember what Christ had told the disciples – I don’t even know the time, only God The Father knows.

There are a lot of prophecies in our bibles we can look out for and then know times are getting closer, but when it comes down to predicting a time, a date or even a year, this will only be in man’s own head! There have been many stories told already and dates predicted; none of these have happened because they have all passed. But I see nothing in my bible which tells me that Christ is going to return when a specific event happens which they have all depended on. Whilst it may be true that some remarkable things will happen or have happened when all the planets line up or when there are a series of natural events, none of this proves a second coming of Christ! Yes, my bible tells me of natural events and human events happening, but still we cannot predict an actual date.

Bible prophecies have never come forward because man wanted them. Prophecies have never come forward because earthly events happened. Prophecies come from God when He alone uses men of God to show or warn others about an event which is going to happen. My bible tells me we should be ready for Christ’s second coming at all times. It tells me the date is not known and will not be known by any man. How can man therefore come up with a date for something that Christ has already told us is going to be at an unknown time?

God does not want us to sit around and do nothing until the day before He comes back! He wants us to be ready all the time! That is why He has not given us an exact date…

Points to Ponder:
Do you leave things until the day before they need to be done?

Are you leaving God’s work until the day before?


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