Reading your Bible for today August 27

August 27: Galatians 1:1-7

KJV Key Verse: Galatians 1:6
6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

How easily do you get side-tracked? With so many things in this world which can take us away from the things we should be doing, it is a wonder we can stay on track for some things – but those things which you really do like doing, those are the things that you will be least likely to be tempted away from... There are chores which we all have to do, and they tend to get put aside as soon as anything comes along! But there are certain things which you cannot put aside because your life (or livelihood) depends on them. Where do you place your relationship with Christ?

We all get excited when we first get saved because we can see how important it is and we are all eager to show God we are happy for everything that He did, does and will do in our lives. But as soon as things are going along smoothly we tend to forget that importance of our eagerness just because everything seems to be being taken care of. Our relationship starts to suffer because we are not upholding it in the position we should be. That is when others will come into our lives and tell us of the things which are important in their lives and we will be tempted away from God and may well follow their gods – I say gods because they will be treating what is important in their lives like a god because it comes first, before God.

The churches in Galatia had done exactly that. They did not have the disciples with them at the time and so someone else came along with something that sounded better. They may well have been doing it saying that it was coming from God, and we will face people like that too. But if it is not written in God’s Word, then it is most likely to have come from man and not God. That has got to be the defining line – if it comes from God it will be written down or backed up with what is written down. He has already declared we do have everything written down and we do not need more – why should we seek for more? The only reason can be that we are seeking pleasure for ourselves and not for God. We like it so much we leave God out of it...

Points to Ponder:
What do you uphold first in your life?

Is God being given the position He deserves in your life?


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