Reading your Bible for today August 28

August 28: Proverbs 27:6-7

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 27:6
Faithful are the wounds of a friend ; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful . 

Nobody likes being told off! But when we are told off, it is normally for a good reason – somewhere along the line we have gone astray from the rules we should be following and we need to get back on track. Have you also noticed when people have to ask you quite a few times when they are asking you to do something that you do not want to do, but when it is something you want to do they hardly have to get the sentence out of their mouths! Then there are the times when you see someone doing something bad and they are totally enjoying themselves, so when they get around to asking if you want to have fun too, you jump at the chance... We have just demonstrated how much we are willing to bend the rules when we want to have fun!

When a friend openly rebukes us, it hurts; but when we look back at that time after we have done the right thing, we can look back and thank them for telling us off at the time. When someone tempts us into doing wrong things, we don’t have to spend too much time thinking about it before we blame them for encouraging us to do what we did – even though we are the ones who made the choice!

The more we are willing to learn God’s Word, the more we will be able to identify His Word from man’s word. The more we know His Word, the stronger we will become in living within His will. When we learn how to live within the limits that God has set for us, we will still be able to enjoy ourselves and we will be able to push aside those tempting times. But if we corrupt our lives with all manner of things, we will not be able to identify the bitter from the sweet and will take in both thinking that they are ok. The more we corrupt God’s Word in our lives, the more we are willing to accept corruption into our lives; but if we are able to keep God’s Words pure in our lives we will be able to see the difference between what He wants and what we want!

Points to Ponder:
How often do people have to rebuke you?

How often do you work against God’s Will in your life?


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