Reading your Bible for today 23

September 23: Proverbs 31:28-31

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 31:29
29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

What do you look for in a relationship and how do you act in your relationship? Yes, we are all in some sort of relationship whether we think so or not; it may not be with our marital partner, or proposed partner, but could be with friends or family. How we act in those relationships will make or break them in the future. I know I messed up in relationships early on in my life because I expected things to be done for me rather than doing things and seeing what happened; we do need to get on and do things and not wait for the world to form around us.

Scientists may have come up with this really strange theory where everything was waiting for some big event to happen so everything else could come into life – it’s simply not like that. We need to have some intelligence, compassion and love to start the ball rolling. God started the ball rolling with love and compassion and continues to look out for us and try to give us what we need. Not just and intelligence behind the scenes but the love and compassion of our God all the way!

I don’t know if you have someone special in your life who seems to go out of their way to make sure you have what you need, but what about turning the world round and being that person who makes a difference in someone else’s life? Take those steps and make the difference; don’t expect to be praised about it and don’t wait for compensation before you continue – be there and change someone’s life.

But, when we step forward and try to be the change, we need to make sure we are constant in our doing and continue to be the change and not just be a fleeting ripple. God wants us to look out for those who are in need, the poor and infirm, but He also wants us to look after those we love around us and be here for them as they are here for us. I love being able to help others, not by giving money away because that tends to end in tears, but by stepping forward and being a part of their lives – hopefully a constant in their turbulent lives which will give them hope for a brighter future, one which includes God in every day.

Points to Ponder:
Are you ready to step forward?

Will you be more like Jesus today?


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