Reading your Bible for today 6

September 6: John 16:25-28

KJV Key Verse: John 16:26
26 At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you:

At times, Jesus did have a few issues with getting the disciples to understand what He was saying – this was a difficult concept to get their heads around. They had been taught the Messiah would come to the nation and had probably assumed He would make Himself known to the priests, scribes, kings and other important people; but that was not Jesus’ way of doing things. Jesus chose a route whereby the right people would be chosen to receive the word and they would write it all down diligently for others to know that same truth. But that would mean teaching them slowly.

It may still be hard for us to understand God’s Word at times, but the more we keep at it, the more we will be able to get our heads round it – just as the disciples are showing here. The more they listened and tried to understand, the more Jesus would give them and the more they would comprehend. But not also that Jesus is not saying He is going to do all the work for us – He is not going to zap it all into our heads without us having to lift a finger to anything. He wants us to step up, to step forward and to make the effort of trying to learn, understand and even to praise God.

We are the ones who have to step up and pray. We may well be able to pray in Jesus’ name, but we still have to pray. Jesus is not going to do it all for us. Opening your bible and reading is the first step of getting to know Christ. If you are able to read this, then share it with someone because it may be the first they get to know about Jesus and about God. Unless we are willing to step up and get to work, the work is not going to be done. We can do all the talking and discussing we like, but until we step forward and do something, nothing gets done.

A relationship always has more than one side otherwise it is not a relationship. The closer the bond between the people in the relationship, the better the relationship; but each side has to do something to maintain the relationship. God continues to work at His relationship with you by giving you all you need; but, unless you are willing to receive what He gives and to use it, it is meaningless.

Points to Ponder:
Do you work at you own relationships?

What is your relationship like with Christ?


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