Reading your Bible for today September 1

September 1: Psalm 104:10-18

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 104:16
16 The trees of the LORD are full of sap; the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted;

This psalm is one of those which makes me think about all the things God has created and all He sustains in this world we live in. I don’t know if you have had the privilege of being able to watch the moon float by using a telescope; you are suddenly made aware of the size and splendour of this little light in the sky – one can only imagine what it would be like to see the sun in such light!

No matter which way you look at it, there are some pretty amazing things in this world, from the views we see from mountains to the closeness of a bubbling stream in a forest; such beauty and awe is hard to imagine without thinking there is someone or something which created this all! The animals do not question where they come from or what their social standing is; they expect to find food and they live with that hope each and every day. God continue to provide for them. The only thing stopping that provision is man and his ways of breaking things!

We can look at some parts of the world and marvel at how mankind has been able to make such amazing places but there is a timespan in which all of these things has been created. When we look at the giant redwoods of California, the ancient cypresses from Iran, or even the common yew trees in the UK, we know they have been around longer than the first architects in our ‘modern world’. God’s design still stands out and is copied time and time again by people trying to gain recognition for original design – yet He stands by and does not complain that someone else has stolen His design!

There are animals and insects all around the world, fish and crustaceans deep in all the seas; all have their own design and thrive in the areas God created for them. Once mankind comes in and breaks a few things, they have to move on or face extinction. Too much of our heritage has been lost because of the greed and pride of mankind. Yet, God gave us the choice as to what we are going to do with this all – that is how much He loves us.

Points to Ponder:
What do you do for the people you love?

Are you taking note of what God has done for you?


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