Reading your Bible for today September 2

September 2: Psalm 104:33-35

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 104:34
34 My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.

Realising just how much God does in your life is a very big step forward to knowing Him better and being able to praise Him every day. We can look at the world around us and begin to realise how much He does in nature; or we can sit back and think it all happens by chance. Personally, I cannot see how much beauty and splendour can come by chance. I cannot see how the animals can all find a balance in the world when I see how destructive mankind is and how we have broken so much by not caring for the world God has given us.

We have a lot to think about whilst we live in this world and I would like for us all to step back and give God the praise He deserves for all He is doing for us and for the world. Not just the uniqueness of a tree outside but for all that is happening in it; the birds who come to feed from it, nest in it, take refuge in it. They all depend on God for their food, water and life; in their own way they are praising God through their song and dance in the trees and in the air.

Think about the sun, moon and stars and the effects they have on this world we live on. Scientists will try and convince you the world and moon started out together and split up, or that they are slowly falling together; I wish they would make their minds up. Either way, the moon has amazing effects on the seasons and the weather because it is so close to us. There is a reason for the seasons so we can have crops which will provide us with food at the right times – each crop needing slightly different weather patterns to grow at its best. Who gave us the mindset to select and plant those crops in the beginning?

Why not make today different from any other day by starting it out in praise for a God who has done, is doing and will continue to do so much in your life! Why not give Him the praise He is due first of all! Submit to the Lord and do His will today. Allow Him to work in your life and supply the things He wants to give you; and then when all of that has been done, give Him the praise for doing everything today He has been able to do.

Points to Ponder:
Are you ready to allow God in today?

Are you ready to listen to Him today?


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