Reading your Bible for today September 7

September 7: Romans 8:31-34

KJV Key Verse: Romans 8:34
34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather*, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

God is the one who gave up His own Son to freely lay His own life down for us at the cross. Jesus gave it all up for us, the ones who God aimed this all at. God is the one who can justify all He has done by telling us how much He loves us and cares for us. Jesus then came along and demonstrated that love by doing all He did for us and called to God to leave another behind when He went back to heaven so we are never left alone.

Jesus fulfilled the word of love God gave us and made sure we would not have to fend for ourselves when He was taken back to heaven. Even though He sits in the very best place possible in heaven, at God’s right hand, He still thinks about us and lifts up a prayer for us to His heavenly father. What love!

Who can be against us if God the Father has done all this for us? Who is mad enough to think they cane come up against God and do anything to us? Well, there is one, the evil one. He would try his best to get us to trip up, stop thinking about God and to take a side with him; but he has already lost the war! Jesus won the war by paying for our sin debts, but as long as the evil one can generate a bit of doubt or sympathy for his own cause, we are the ones who are silly enough to stop and listen to it!

We don’t have to listen to anything Satan does in our lives other than to take as a warning and stay clear of. If we continue to draw closer to God, the devil will continue to run off in the opposite direction where he can seek out people who are not close to God. Call in your friends. Call in your enemies. Tell everyone where they can find the truth and allow God to look after them in the best possible ways! God started this off, Jesus followed through, and The Holy Spirit continues to stand with us and strengthen us for the journey all the way to heaven.

Points to Ponder:
Do you look out for the people you love?

What do you have in place for them?


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