Reading your Bible for today September 12

September 12: Joshua 24:24-27

KJV Key Verse: Joshua 24:27
27 And Joshua said unto all the people, Behold, this stone shall be a witness unto us; for it hath heard all the words of the LORD which he spake unto us: it shall be therefore a witness unto you, lest ye deny your God.

What (or was) the one thing which stopped you from making your decision to follow and obey God? Was it that you may have to agree to something for the rest of your life, or was it you did not want to give something up for the rest of your life? The latter is a truth you are acknowledging you do have issues and you do not want to give them up right now – God can work with that and try to show you a way forward and a way of living with Him in your life.

But the first is a fear of going off into the unknown. The only reason for it being unknown is you have not found out enough about God; the more you get to know God the more you will be able to see how special He is and the more you will want to be with Him. I know it can be very difficult reading some of the Old Testament books to find out the History of how the Israelites did things wrong and found themselves in deep water – none of us want to be reminded there could be consequences for our actions; but these things were written down for our remembrance. The more we get to know about God and how He did not change over time, the more confident we become about living with a God who does not change!

Writing things down can be a valuable source of self-confidence, if nothing else! When we see something we have written down many years ago and see that God has not changed over all that time, we can gain confidence in a God who is unchanging, but always willing to forgive our mistakes and issues!

I like to look at devotions I have written a decade or two ago and see what has changed in me. Have I kept my word to God? Have I changed for the better? Do I have more confidence in our amazing God now than I did back then? It is good to ask questions and it is good to look back and check up on yourself – don’t be afraid of dredging up the past to see what God has done in your life!

Points to Ponder:
Do you ever write things down to remember them?

How much of God’s Word have you written down to remember?


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