Reading your Bible for today September 15

September 15: Acts 14:8-20

KJV Key Verse: Acts 14:15
15 And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein*:

Has there been a time in your life when people have gathered around to give you praise for something you have not actually done? What was your response to that praise? Do people know the truth yet?

Paul and Barnabas were following God’s calling and going out to the gentiles to spread the gospel. They had also listened to what Christ said when He told the apostles to go out and heal people in His name. They were under no illusion that it was Christ doing the healing, but they were the ones who people saw ‘performing the miracles.’ How they reacted to the outcome of those miracles is probably quite different to how we react to every day situations in our lives. Far too often we are willing to accept the praise and adoration for things we do not do; that is not what God taught us!

Paul and Barnabas had to go a bit further than what we would want to go – they had to face a crowd who turned viscous on them because they dared to question what they thought was right. I know it is judicious to step back from certain situations in life just to help keep the peace but taking on the praise due to God is what Satan did and what he wants us to do so he can take the glory away from God! Don’t just sit there and take God’s glory!

God is the one showing us miracles each and every day, miracles we take for granted and don’t praise Him for. The miracle of life, be it in animals, vegetables or anything else; God is the one behind it all and the one keeping that life going every day. God is the one who answers our prayers and allows us to heal and help others. We may work for a ‘living’ and get paid earthly wages to buy things with, but without God instituting this regime in the beginning, we would have nothing to go on. Give God the praise He deserves for all the things He does, always!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like being praised?

Are you giving God praise due Him?


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