Reading your Bible for today September 21

September 21: Acts 20:29-31

KJV Key Verse: Acts 20:31
31 Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.

I wonder how much of an insight the Holy Spirit had given to Paul as he taught the Ephesians, and whether he knew how the church would end up there. Paul did know there was going to be trouble – whether that was from God or simple observations we don’t know. How much of this could be said about the churches we attend? How many people are in it for the popularity and not for God’s popularity? How many people are in it for the right reason to start with and then get carried away when they become popular?

I like to think I would never be counted in the number who want to become popular, and to that extent I do try to remain anonymous to a certain extent; but what would I do if I suddenly became a celebrity?!?

We are here to worship God and to bring glory to His name; how we go about that will make a big difference to how others take on the mantle after you. Paul was very emotional about his beliefs and he was not shy of shedding a tear or two when talking about Christ. God meant everything to him and the gospel message was paramount in his life. He had started off on the wrong foot by being opposed to God and being very religious, but God made sure he saw the light and changed his ways.

I do love talking about Jesus, but I don’t like people pointing me out as the one talking the talk. Paul knew he had made a difference and he knew people were becoming very aware of all he was doing. He may have used that to his advantage, but only to be able to reach out to more people and to make a bigger difference. When I see some of the big “church leaders” today I do wonder at their commitment to Christ. They seem to have everything whilst many around them do not. Being passionate about our work for Christ means taking on the care He showed as well and being with the people we care for and about.

Points to Ponder:
Do you live a different life to what you teach?

Are you God’s servant or His promotional assistant?


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