Reading your Bible for today September 24

September 24: 1 John 3:1-2

KJV Key Verse: 1 John 3:2
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be : but we know that, when he shall appear , we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is .

Do you feel like you are in a minority that is hidden from the rest of the world? It is sad to see how many Christians believe this is how they are viewed, and the rest of the world just does not understand then when they talk about the wonderful love of Christ. How else can we explain His love other than by telling of all He has done, is doing and all that He has promised?

It is also sad to see that so many children today are not well behaved. The children will say it is life or that everyone is doing it, the parents will say the children do not listen and the schools have to deal with the consequences... or ignore them! What a difference we see when children first start school and they first get introduced to a structured learning environment. Most parents will then be proud to say “that’s my child”. Most children will take note because it is a new environment and something different, but how they turn when they start seeing who is having the fun doing the things they are not supposed to do! How many parents are then willing to come forward and say “that is still my child”?

For our heavenly Father to call us His children shows just how much He loves us. We are those wayward children who have gone off the rails and have tried all manner of things that He does not like. We are those children causing chaos and getting things wrong. And yet, He stands by and is still willing to stand up and say “that is my child”... as long as we have acknowledged Him as our Father!

We have not yet seen the splendours that await us when He takes us home from our life on earth. We do not know when it will be or how we will get home – but He is waiting to take us all home because He loves us so.

Points to Ponder:
Do your parents still welcome you home?

Is God going to welcome you too?


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