Reading your Bible for today September 26

September 26: Revelation 3:15-20

KJV Key Verse: Revelation 3:15
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

One of the things we do like talking about is God’s love and we expand on just how wonderful it is and how much we can get comfort from it. What we do not talk about too much is what happens when we do things wrong. Think about your relationship with your parents for a while... They continue to give you things all the time because they love you. They also show their love to you in unexpected ways. But what happened when you were younger and did not do what was right in front of them? Did they continue to let you do things wrong in the hopes that you would find out some day for yourself, or did they set you right back then so that you would know right from wrong?

God is much the same as a loving parent from that point of view. When we do things wrong He tries to allow us to see what we have done wrong so that we can either fix things or get it right next time. He does not allow us to run off and ruin things without telling us what we are doing! Should we expect anything less than this? I hope not! This is a mark of His love for us that He wants us to get things right so we can have the best possible upbringing in His eyes. He wants us to know what is right from wrong and to move toward getting things right the first time!

The more we listen, the more we learn, the more we are able to get things right. The more we get things right, the more we realise just how much we have to let go of our old ways and bring in His ways. If we continue to do our own thing after He has exposed what is right, we are not following His ways but our own – we are saying that our own ways are better than His... we are telling our parent we will not do what He wants! If I tried doing that when I was young I would not get very far before I would realise I could not win the argument. God is great – don’t even think you can secretly get away with things!

Points to Ponder:
Do you tend to do what your parents ask?

Do you listen to what God is asking?


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