Reading your Bible for today September 28

September 28: Ezekiel 3:16-21

KJV Key Verse: Ezekiel 3:19
19 Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.

God demonstrated His power to Ezekiel before giving him the task which lay before him; a task that we still have before us as Christians. No matter how much we can see God’s love and power and be convinced of it, we still have our mission to tell others of that same love and power. How else are those around us ever going to be able to hear the Word of God if we do not tell them? They are not likely to go into church and find out for themselves as they lead their wayward lives; they need someone to stand before them and give them the warning that God will require judgment at some time.

Ezekiel was given the task of being the one to open up the scriptures to his people so they would know about God. How could they be found guilty of their sins if they did not know of them to start with? God was warning Ezekiel because he was a man of God amongst all these people who did not know about the scriptures, the responsibility of their sins lay on his shoulders because he was not telling them about God. We may not have such a huge responsibility on our shoulders because it is very difficult to find someone who has not heard about God nowadays, but we still have the responsibility to expand on what people do know – many of them do not know the real gospel story!

There are so many people out there trying to win some sort of following for themselves through social media and the like, many will not get the truth about God. We need to show others the truth we do know so they can follow God’s Word. We also have the responsibility of helping those Christians around us who lose their way. As long as we find ourselves amongst Christians we can support and encourage each other to help each other strengthen our faith. That in itself will go a long way to allowing others to see God’s love through our faith. Don’t let others suffer just because you don’t tell them about God...

Points to Ponder:
Do you like telling others about good things that happen to you?

How often do you tell others about God?


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