Reading your Bible for today September 14

September 14: Romans 2:1-4

KJV Key Verse: Romans 2:4
4 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

We have all been there and we will probably all go there again before long! We blame others for doing things wrong when we know we do the same in our lives. What gives us the right to judge others for what we think they are doing wrong? Do you think it is ok to judge people when you know they are doing things wrong? Stop and think a bit about how much you do wrong first.

When the people brought the woman in front of Jesus who was caught in the act of adultery, they expected to be shown what they wanted because they knew in no uncertain terms the lady was wrong! But Jesus asked them to consider what they had done wrong in their own lives first of all. Sometimes we do judge people just because we know we would not go as far as they have gone – but we are still guilty of other things, maybe even things they have not done wrong in their lives, but we have!

Jesus said we should love our neighbours as we love ourselves, and He then took things further saying we should not hate anyone; even the thought of hating someone was as wrong as actually hating them. So, thinking about what you would want to do against someone is as bad as actually doing it – because we are going there in our hearts and minds. Our bodies are not coming to heaven in the state they are now; they are full of sin and as dirty rags (as the bible puts it.) What is coming with us to heaven is what is in our hearts and minds, our souls!

Yes, it is hard to escape this one because we all get involved with thinking about stuff and thinking of the evil things we could do. So, we are all guilty. The only one who can save us from those depths of despair is Christ, the one who willingly gave His own life on the cross to pay for the things which go through our minds! It is not the things we pull others up for which bring them to repentance before God, but the love of God which shows people there is hope and life for them when they make the first step toward God. Help people on their way and don’t hinder them.

Points to Ponder:
Do you try to uphold the law?

What sort of Christian example do you think you are?


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