Reading your Bible for today September 22

September 22: Proverbs 3:27-30

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 3:27
27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.

How often do you put off doing things for others just because you don’t feel like doing it now or even because you want them to wait on you? I know I am guilty of putting things off quite often still but I continue to try and live my life how God wants me to live it. One of the big things for me was to move from the countryside into a place where people are in constant need. It was not to do anything other than try to obey God in serving the people around me.

One of the big things I realised after being here for a few years is how things are not that different here in the city from what they were back in the countryside – it’s just that things were spread out over large areas and people tend to not take too much notice unless things are on their own doorsteps. I may walk to see people and could probably shout out to a few dozen people from my back door, but out in the country we had to drive to see people and did not always get to hear about the discomforts and needs of the people around us on time.

What I am getting at is that we have to be aware of the people around us, whether we live in a densely populated metropolis or a spread out farming community; people have needs and we need to care for them. Sitting around and waiting to see if anyone calls out for help is going to take a long time! But if we take the first steps and allow people to see how we are willing to help and be there, then they will take the first steps to let you see their needs.

The first step we need to do is to actively look out for needs and signs of needs, then we try to fill those needs by doing things, not by offering and waiting to see if they take you up on the offer. Jesus did not put it out there how He could take on our sin debt and wait to see if any of us would allow Him to die for us; He went ahead and did the action which showed people His willingness and His commitment. We now get to follow His example by giving and sharing and not expecting others to go out looking for help all the time.

Points to Ponder:
Do you seek help for every one of your needs?

Are you willing to help and fill needs before people have to ask?


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