READING: Genesis 1:26 – 31

VERSE: So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. —Genesis 1:27

ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE READINGS:Psalm 139:13 – 14; Colossians 3:10

Amother tends to define herself most easily in terms of externals: I am a mom. I am a wife. I am a daughter. I am a graduate. I am a teacher. I am a volunteer. I am what I do. I am what others need me to be. I am what I accomplish.

While these descriptions may be true, they are incomplete. They overlook the vital fact that we are made, inside and out, by God. We are created in his image and for his purposes.

When we gaze into the mirror of God’s Word, we find that God has stamped on our being a reflection of his character, his essence, his being. That is not to say we are mini-gods in any sense. But just as children reflect the physical, mental and personality traits of their parents, and even adopted children share the mannerisms and habits of their adopted families, so we who are fashioned by God manifest elements of his character in our beings.

Who are you, Mom? Genesis 1 and 2 spells it out. You are God’s image-bearer (seeGenesis 1:26 – 27). God expresses his being through both genders, male and female. You are a co-laborer with all of God’s people in his world (see Genesis 1:28 – 31).

When you live in the fullness of who you are, you show your children, your family and your world a full and accurate picture of your God.

So there, Mom. Take the definition of who you are from how God made you. You are a unique being fashioned after the God of the universe — inside and out!

Think about this: How often do you define yourself by the negatives? Who you aren’t, what you haven’t accomplished, what youaren’t doing. How might this negative definition of yourself affect your mood as well as your daily choices? How might it impact others around you? Switch your sight to God’s view of you and get ready for great changes


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