Reading your Bible for today October 14

October 14: Acts 11:12-17

KJV Key Verse: Acts 11:17
17 Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ*; what was I, that I could withstand God?

Have you ever wondered why some people get turned away from church? Have you ever turned someone away from you just because they are different to you in some way? I am sure all of us would agree at some stage or another we have discriminated against someone just because they are different to us... Have you ever tried to find out why, or thought about what you have done? Well, it comes down to us being human and wanting the world to conform to our own ways and nobody else’s!

That is the way we are and have been for a long time. We want things done our way... When the Jews saw Simon Peter had gone and preached to the gentiles, they wanted to know why because they only wanted people who had been circumcised (i.e. Jews) to receive the Word of God. They had been told for so many years that they were the chosen people and they expected God to only bless them and those people who would turn to their ways. What had happened was they were now having to mix with people who were not Jews and certainly not circumcised!

But that is where the difference is between us and God. He sent Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of the whole world – not just the Jews. He shows His mercy to all the world. He loves us all. Why? Because He made us all! He chose Israel as an example so others would get to know Him again. He chose the Jews to show the world how much He loves us all. There is nothing our God cannot do. There nobody our God cannot love. There is nobody our God cannot save – so long as they are willing to admit to Him being God and leave their own selfish worlds behind. Don’t get caught up in things that you have invented. Don’t get caught up in your own world. Open your life to God and He will open His to you!

Points to Ponder:
Are there some that you don’t talk to?

Are you keeping God out of your life?


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