Reading your Bible for today October 21

October 21: Deuteronomy 6:4-9

KJV Key Verse: Deuteronomy 6:5
And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. 

When Moses had been with Israel for 40 years before the river Jordan just as God had commanded him, he went over all the commandments and the laws before they would be allowed to cross over the Jordan to the Land of Milk and Honey. The first few chapters of Deuteronomy were a brief history of just how much God had looked after them since leaving Egypt, how much Israel had disobeyed and had to face hard times and also how good times were when they obeyed God. Now Moses gave them the law starting with the most important fact of all... There is only one True God.

We need to remember this fact as we worship God. He is not a God who has exposed Himself to us because the first thing we would do is to make images of Him and worship them instead. Our desire must be to worship Him alone and not to get side-tracked by our own ways. The first and greatest commandment is that we love our God, that we possess Him within our hearts so that we will not stray from His teachings. To do that means loving Him with all our heart, soul and might, burying His words deep in our hearts so that we will be more inclined to do His will than our own. That love needs to be sincere, true, strong, and intelligent and above all, complete.

What we do with that love and understanding is of great importance too; for what is our love for God unless we are able to pass it on to the next generation? By meditating on His Word, by thinking about it, we are able to pass on our understanding that God can give us to our children or friends. Each day we should be making sure that we keep up with His Word so that we do not get left behind in the worlds thinking. Teaching the truth as given us by God and not the ways of the world will allow the people we teach to know God’s truth too. We need to do that with the same sincerity, strength, intelligence and completeness that we allow for our love for God.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you do things you like?

How often do you read God’s Word?


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