Reading your Bible for today October 22

October 22: 2 Corinthians 5:13-15

KJV Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:15
15 And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.

There are times when some people will think we must be out of our minds to believe in the things that we do as Christians... During those times we need to make sure we do stay focused on God’s Word because it is not for other people’s glory that we continue to believe in God, it is for His glory. But we do also need to be able to make ourselves understood to those who do not believe – how else will we be able to convince them that what we are saying is the truth? There seems to be a fine line between living for God and living for ourselves when we look at it in our minds; yet from God’s point of view it is crystal clear!

When we go over the top and start to try and show others they are sinners and that they need to repent, they are going to think of us as a bit weird until they too understand God. So, what should we be doing? Well, we need to show them we behave modestly and lowly before God. When we show others just how much God means in our lives, then they will start to think that there may well be something to this “Christianity thing” that we are involved in. It’s not about how we can show people where they have gone wrong – because we too have done all they have, and probably more. We need to show them which direction we are aiming in and encourage them to follow us.

We cannot decide who is right and who is wrong because we do not know all the facts. What God has given us is a bible that will allow us to find out what we have done in our lives and which way we should be going. He has not given it to us as a weapon to use against others, but as a weapon that they can use to find out the truth for themselves. Jesus came to die once. He did that. His death and resurrection did not have to be repeated nor was it half-baked. He went to die for every one of us, both Christians and non-Christians so that we will be able to find out the truth and turn to Him. It is because of His display of love for us that we can begin to understand that He is our one and only God.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you tell others off?

How often do you listen to God’s instructions?


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