Reading your Bible for today October 24

October 24: Romans 15:1-7

KJV Key Verse: Romans 15:6
6 That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Have you ever tried to think about why we were given a free will? I mean, why would a jealous God give us the free will to disobey or even ignore Him? The answer, quite surprisingly, is very simple. We were given liberty, not so much for our own pleasure, but for the glory of God... He did not give us freedom of choice so we can have the time of our lives; He wants to give us the time of our lives because He loves us. He wants us to show others just how much He means to us. This is most convincingly done through us showing good will towards others; be it anything from saying hello through to supplying the needs of others.

It is not an accident some are strong and others weak... How else would the strong be able to encourage the weak if they were not strong? We have made so many choices in our lives by the time we come to think about choices that we take them mostly for granted. Choices like whether we should believe in God are too often put off until we are so set in our ways that we do not want to change. We are not confronted with choices like that because our society seems to be at such a point where we no longer find many people doing things out of Christian love – hence we don’t see God’s love in action.

If we want to show love and kindness to another, we must not give in to their ways so that we can humour them; we need to expound to them the gospel way showing them how Christ’s love goes far and beyond that which is required of us. Christ did not live His life for His own enjoyment but rather to please His heavenly Father. Through doing so He was given a good life and was able to shed light into many people’s lives. We need to give a thought as to why Jesus would give His life over to God and appear to us as His servant. He did it because He wanted to show His love for us and to glorify God. He did it out of choice even though He had all power to do anything...

Points to Ponder:
Do you like doing things for friends?

How much do you glorify God with your life?


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