Reading your Bible for today October 25

October 25: 3 John 1:3-7

KJV Key Verse: 3 John 1:4
4 I have no greater* joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

There is little more encouraging than a faithful soul who is ready and willing to do God’s work all the time. We may spend our whole lives sharing the gospel and only get to see one or two people turn to Christ, but that does not necessarily mean we are doing things wrong – far from it because we are sowing the seeds others may end up reaping. Being able to see just one person turn to Christ and be willing to do His will is all the encouragement we need to stick at it! Seeing one person who is willing to do Gods work for both friends and strangers show us that Gods Love is alive and well...

It gives a parent great joy when their children actually listen to them and even greater joy when they see them turn to Christ as well. That is how we should be acting towards other people as well, treating them with the same love as we would reserve for our children so they know Christ’s love knows no bounds. Bearing witness for Christ will show others just how much His love and grace do abound. Bearing witness of others and the work they do will show just how much our love and grace abound... and that is why we need to encourage each other and support each other in the work that we do for God.

Great is the person who is able to go forward and do work for God. Greater still is the person who will do it willingly. Greater still is the person who will not look for reward for doing it willingly. But greatest of all is the example Christ Himself gave us by giving His own life for us without asking for anything in return – what love!

Faithful souls can hear their own praises without being puffed up. We do no need to consider what we should be doing, but what we can or may do if we tried. With that sort of outlook in our lives we are sure to give God the glory and not to try and take it for ourselves...

Points to Ponder:
Do you like being encouraged?

Do you encourage others in God’s ways?


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