Reading your Bible for today October 3

October 3: John 12:35-36

KJV Key Verse: John 12:35
35 Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth .

The most important thing we need to remember about God is that He cannot and will not abide sin. There is no way we can take sin with us to heaven and there is no way we can pay for all of our sins by ourselves. If we say we have a relationship with Him and yet we continue to walk in sin and live in our sinful world, then we are living a lie and are not practising the truth; we are lost in the darkness. That would be like walking into a dark room after the lights have gone out and telling everyone you have a torch when you do not have one; or you do have a torch but do not switch it on. What use is it going to be unless that light is used effectively?

It is one thing to say we are Christians, but it is a whole new world to live as a Christian. What use are we to anyone if we do not live as Christians do? What example are we going to be if we do not live for God? Who do you think you are going to fool if you do not live as Christ would have you to live? The people around you will see you for what you are – how you are behaving and not what you think you are. What sort of impression are you then giving by saying you are one thing and acting differently? What sort of impression are you making with God? The only one we are actually fooling for one instant is ourselves...

It is the blood of Jesus Christ which has already been shed on that cross for us which is able to cleanse us from our sin – nothing less... and certainly nothing more required! He who knew no sin was willing to give up His perfect life on that cross just for us. How do you think He felt when He took on your sins on the cross? He willingly took them on just so we would not be found guilty – it is our free gift to take! But, just as any gift, we are the ones that have to take it. Just as any gift, we are the ones that have to then look after it. We do that by living for Christ and not living for the world! We show our faith by living by it and showing others that we can certainly depend on it!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you say one thing and do another?

How often are you turning you back on God’s ways?


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