Reading your Bible for today October 4

October 4: Psalm 100:1-5

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 100:3
3 Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

If ever you need encouragement to sing praises to our God, then this is one of the psalms you should read. There is coming a day when every person will know that Jesus Christ is our one true God and at that time we need to be sure we know Him before He has to turn His back on us and say He does not know us. There is so much in this world scientists are still yet to find out about, but the more they seek out solutions for everything, the more detail they find and the more complex the design of nature becomes. With this sort of complexity it is amazing they do not begin to realise there simply must be intelligent design behind everything and not a case of chance.

When we come to worship God, we need to make sure we do so humbly with reverence and fear; but as this psalm reminds us, we also need to do it with love and joy! God wants each one of us to be happy in Him. He wants us to come worshipping with happiness because of all the things He continues to do for us. When we get down about things, it is the peace of God which will bring us back up again. When we fall away, He encourages us back again just like a faithful shepherd will do for his sheep.

We, each of us, has to know exactly what God is to us. We can do that through our personal relationship with Him. Consider the importance of having God in your life. Consider the importance of His Word and apply it in your life. He is our maker. He is our keeper. We are His people and we are His sheep in the pastures He has created for us. Know this. His word, His truth has stood the test of time because it is the truth. Trust in it. Depend on it. Come gladly to worship Him in truthfulness and love just as He continues to look after us faithfully, in truthfulness and love.  Praise Him alone for His goodness and mercy that He has shown and continues to show each and every generation.

Points to Ponder:
How do you like to celebrate?

How do you celebrate your relationship with God?


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