Reading your Bible for today October 5

October 5: Psalm 89:1-4

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 89:2
2 For I have said, Mercy shall be built up for ever: thy faithfulness shalt thou establish in the very heavens.

How many times have you been disappointed by thing that have happened in your life? How many times have you hoped for things but have been discouraged when they did not go according to your plan? It happens to us a lot of the time; we build up ideas or ideals in our heads and when they do not happen as we want, we get discouraged. This is part of life and part of being human. None of us are perfect and we will either build up ideas more than we can reasonably expect, or we based one idea on top of another idea and when something breaks in between we get discouraged.

Let us never think anything like this about God’s love and mercy for us. If we find that something has not gone the right way, then maybe God is showing us there is a way which is better where He will allow us to remember He is actually still in charge. Far too often when we get our own way, or we have a lot of success, we start to think we are the ones making it all happen and forget about how much God does do for us. If we do keep God in mind in everything that we do then we are more likely to remember His mercy, His love and His faithfulness towards us. The more we tell each other about God’s work in our lives, the more we will all be encouraged and the more we are actually singing His praises.

Just like trying to build a huge tower, we can only go up so far before things start to fall down. The more we build that tower whilst trying to keep it up ourselves, the less successful we actually become as we get higher. However, if we start our tower on solid ground, then we are able to build that bit higher. If we strengthen that tower as we go by use of the right materials, we can reach even higher. We need to start our relationship with God on a Rock – that is Jesus Christ. We then need to keep God in our lives as we continue to make sure we remain firm on His Foundation. Then we need to tell others about how we have done it, so they can too...

Points to Ponder:
Could you build a high tower from cards if you used glue?

Do you keep God in your life?


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