Reading your Bible for today October 6

October 6: Psalm 103:13-18

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 103:17
17 But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;

So many places in our bibles remind us of how much God has done for mankind, right from the beginning of time. As bad as we may think things are, or as bad as things actually do get, it is owing to the mercy of God that they are not any worse than they are. He does continue to watch over us and He does care for us. We only need to look at each situation and we will see how much He does do; we may be surrounded by bad things and things going wrong, but when we look closely, we do see His hand in everything as He takes care of the most unexpected things. God’s compassion knows no ends; it is like we are given a new bucket-full every morning to last us each day.

Just as the people of Israel gathered manna each morning and each found that they had exactly enough to last the day, we too are shown exactly the right amount of care and compassion from God to see us through. No matter how long we continue to depend on God, He will continue to support us just the right amount to keep us going. When we build up our portions here on earth, they will eventually perish; but God’s portions will last forever, each being given at the right moment and exactly by measure.

With our knowledge that God will provide for our souls, we need to place our dependence firmly in His hands. We know we can depend on Him because of His promises and all that has happened in the past; we must therefore trust in Him with faith, knowing He will take care of our souls. He has promised us eternal life when we do trust Him. He has not let anyone down yet. How can we even think He will let us down; it is only our own earthly weaknesses which allows those thoughts to dwell in our minds. Put those thoughts aside and live in faith. We don’t have to shout about our faith from the mountain-tops because our demonstration of faith is something that exists between us and God. Trust in Him, always.

Points to Ponder:
How do you show others you trust them

Are you showing God that you trust Him?


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