Reading your Bible for today October 8

October 8: Luke 1:46-55

KJV Key Verse: Luke 1:46
46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,

What could be more encouraging than to talk to each other about the blessings which God continues to give to each of us? What can be more uplifting than reminding each other about God’s mercies He shows each of us? This is exactly what Mary was doing with Elisabeth; each of them encouraging and blessing each other. But Mary saves the most for God, the one who has made this all possible and the one who is to get all the glory.

Mary knew certain things. She knew that God was and is the one and only true God and that her life was in His hands. She also knew she was a sinner because she admitted to needing a Saviour. She also knew she bowed down to God alone and worshipped Him alone in fear and humility. She also knew she had a wonderful blessing and would be remembered forever for carrying Jesus Christ within her. She also knew God had already done and would still do many wonderful things for her. She also remembered all that had happened and glorified God for His mercy; not just to her but to all the generations which had gone before her too.

What an example! Not only do we see someone who upholds God, His name and all He has done; but someone who is willing to tell another about this all. And then, on top of that, to show what wonderful things happen to those who fully trust in God. Mary had placed her life in God’s hands. She had realised her need for a Saviour. She knew God was the only one who could save her. She knew God was the one who always looked out for her. She knew God was the one looking out for all of them too. All that peace and understanding had come from God because of what she had done; simply placing her life back in the capable hands of God...

We need to take a leaf from Mary’s life and bless God for all He does in our lives. We need to remember Him for what He really is and count our many blessings we receive from our wonderful, loving, merciful Saviour!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you tell others of the good things that happen to you?

How often do you tell others of the good things God does for you?


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