Adjusting To Grief

Reading: 1 Peter 5:7

Sometimes when we cannot seem to find peace or answers, or when all we want to do is absolutely nothing, we become overcome with loneliness, sadness or grief. We struggle to connect with those who care, but connecting is too difficult. When will this end, we wonder. Instead of numb, will I ever feel again? Will I ever feel safe or whole again? Will I ever know love? Often we even ask, “Why me, Lord?”

God did not promise that our lives would be free of difficulties. He did not tell us that every day would be perfect or that we would never experience grief or sadness. What he did say was that he would be with us and that he would never give us more than we could endure.

God has faith in us. He knows our hearts and our need for him in times of trouble and heartache. He knows that because we love and trust him, we will look to him — maybe not on the first day of our troubles or even on day two or three, but he sees our hearts, hears our moans and holds out his arms to comfort us when we are ready to accept his great love and compassion.

Our Father will comfort us in our grief. He will wrap his arms around us until we can adjust to our grief and once again stand on our own. Then gradually, sometimes slowly, we will be able to move forward with the knowledge that he is there to support us when we feel weak.

After all, we are God’s precious children. He loves us dearly. Should we expect less?


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