
Reading: 1 Timothy 6:11-19

Money — we spend so much time pursuing it, managing it and thinking about it. How much should you save, invest and tithe? If you’re married, how much should go toward your shopping versus your phone and internet? Who should pay the bills? Stress over money can make a person feel torn or drive a couple apart.

But in the end, money has no real, eternal value. It’s ultimately worthless. It cannot save you or satisfy you, and it can distract from what’s really important. So the next time a conflict over money erupts in your heart or house, ask yourself: is it really worth this worry?

*The quest for wealth can kill contentment and turn people’s hearts away from the Lord. True wealth is found in righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.

*If God has given us much, we must be generous and willing to share with those in need.

Reflect & Pray:
*Is it ever okay for a Christian to desire wealth?

*What other temptations often go hand in hand with greed?

*What are practical ways for you to avoid the love of money?

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