Reading your Bible for today November 12

November 12: Psalm 76:7-12

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 76:12
12 He shall cut off the spirit of princes: he is terrible to the kings of the earth.

We always seem to be in a big rush to get our things done and because of that we assume when we call out to God He will answer immediately! What happens when He does not answer immediately? Many of us become discouraged when we think God is delaying His answer to our prayers or not even listening anymore – but truth be told, He knows our needs better than we do and He knows the timing of those needs more than us. When we weigh this up, we need to remember to be meek and humble before Him knowing He will continue to care for us.

That, unfortunately, is not always easy because we live in a world which is anything but quiet! Many things surrounding us can be described as being angry and provoking making it hard for us to be meek and humble because of our inherent fear of the wrath of man. What we need to remember though is the wrath of man is nothing in comparison to that of God! We can talk about how angry someone or some country can get, and we can put limits on what they would actually do through what we know about them. Those limits are actually set by God. He is the one that is ultimately in control and is able to limit man’s wrath in ways we do not know. God is the one who is in control of our planet and is able to control anything. But the people continue to make choices working against God each and every day!

Our continued warning from God’s Word is that we need to submit to Him and His ways rather than being provoked or giving in to man’s ways. Our prayers and praises need to be directed to God, especially from our hearts. It is no good saying one thing and feeling and thinking something else because that sort of thing will not wash with God. When we get caught up in our own worldly ways, we are apt to forget about God’s ways and to leave Him out of our lives. Our focus therefore needs to be on Him in our lives and our ways need to be directed towards Him. He has the power over all of us, He has the power over kings and queens; He is our God and we need to submit to Him in works and in spirit.

Points to Ponder:
How do you react when people get you mad?

How much do you argue with God?


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