Reading your Bible for today November 14

November 14: Psalm 19:7-10

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 19:9
9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.

We live in a world where we could say the necessities are day and night, the air we breathe, the sun and the water. Everything else stems from those things; the food we eat grows because of them and we live on that food. But as this psalm reminds us, the Holy Scripture is of much greater benefit than any of these. Our food can only keep us alive as long as it exists. Our life is limited because of our surroundings. Once we die, our bodies return to the earth. If we should fall ill, we often need external help in order to get better again; nothing, it seems, is sure...

But when we take note of God’s Word, we begin to see something that is sure, something which remains as sure as it was in the beginning as it is now and as it will be in the future. Nothing can change the way we live more than God’s Word. Nothing else will give us so much enlightenment. We can read His Word and know He is our God, He continues to watch over us and He is the Rock upon which we can build more than what the earth can supply. If we need to find the truth, we can look into God’s Word because once we do so we realise it is the truth and that we can trust it. Nothing in God’s Word works against itself; all God’s Word points to once thing – that He is our God.

There are many things which we desire in our lives, money and nice food being right up there at or near the top. But what use are those things going to be if they are not going to last forever; what use are those things going to be when our body expires? We need to build for the future, our future beyond our mortal lives when we will have to face our Immortal God. The only thing that is going to be with us then is His Word, our Faith and His faithfulness. We have all we require written in our bibles. He has made sure we have all we need to make a complete and correct decision.  In the words of Matthew Henry “The fear of the Lord, that is, true religion and godliness, is clean, it will cleanse our way; and it endureth forever.”

Points to Ponder:
What things do you desire here on earth?

What are you aiming for in heaven?


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