Reading your Bible for today November 7

November 7: John 10:22-30

KJV Key Verse: John 10:30
30 I and my Father are one.

Have you ever wondered why some people will not believe Jesus is the Son of God or Jesus is God? Your first reaction may well be to say people find it hard to believe that all three can be one, that God is made up of three parts; you probably hit the nail on the head with that; it is difficult for us to think about how it can be possible. But it is not the thing which keeps people from believing the truth and accepting it. Christ wants us to believe and He has given us everything we need in order to believe; He has given us His Word which is enough to make a believer out of anyone!

The Jews knew exactly what Jesus was saying at the time, but under their own law, they could not charge Him with anything until He came out and said the words. But before He said these words, He described His followers as a flock of sheep again knowing people who were there and many more after that time would be able to read His words and realise the truth. His sheep are the ones who listen because they know His voice. They can only know His voice once they have been introduced to Him and gone to Him for protection. All others will hear His voice but will not listen to it because they do not see Him as their Protector and Saviour.

As Christians, we hear God’s words and we listen to them. We hear His instruction and we follow it. We are happy and content in our lives with Christ. We know Him as our Protector and Saviour. We trust Him in everything He says. We have no reason not to trust Him... And yet we still make ourselves doubt! We still bring up barriers which cause us to falter in our walk with Him. The Jews in the temple had their law as the barrier and they were not willing to bring that barrier down. So long as we are not willing to put aside things we hold up, we will not be able to enjoy our walk with Christ to the fullest! There must be no doubt in our minds that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He is God. He has plainly told us...

Points to Ponder:
How many times do people have to tell you things before you believe?

How many times must God tell you before you realise the truth?


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