Reading your Bible for today December 1

December 1: Psalm 90:10-17

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 90:14
14 O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

The doctors and scientists have made remarkable advances in medicine over the last few decades and with them has come an extension in the average time we each get to live. More people are more able to get closer to living for 100 years instead of the 70 or 80 years given to us by God; but it has been hard work for many people to get that far. No matter how hard we do work, we will continue to find we have a finite lifespan here on earth just as God has given us.

Because we have a finite lifespan, we need to make sure we do what we can in those short years otherwise we will get to the point where we suddenly find we have run out of time. To find out what we should be doing is the easy part – we read God’s Word and understand it. He has given us His Word so we can understand more about Him and we can know what He would have us to do. Following God’s Word can be the hard part because of the multitude of other things we allow into our lives. If only we were able to focus on the things in life that He would want us to and to disregard others...

God continues to show us His mercy, so we can be encouraged to follow His Word. He is faithful to show us His mercy, so we can focus on His will in our lives. When we focus on Him, we grow in the wisdom He would want us to have so we can know the best way to live out our lives. We need to do this as His servant, faithfully and willingly doing His bidding. Doing this will give us more joy in our lives than any earthly works because we will be looking forward to the rewards that we will be getting with our eternal life with Him. Read His Word. Listen to His Word. Absorb His Word. Meditate on His Word. Establish His Word in your life. Through that we will be more able to do His will and enjoy His company throughout our lives on earth.

Points to Ponder:
Which rules do you listen to and which do you ignore?

Are you really listening to God’s rules?


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