I slept in bushes... For weeks and sometimes, months... I lived in forests where they bury cursed people...

We had meetings in burial grounds and cemeteries, under rain, dancing around naked, not minding the mosquito bites...
Sometimes some of us were beaten by scorpions and snakes..

And those who were not lucky to survive the poisons, 3 or 4 feet hole was dug and emergency funeral was organised for them inside those forests... And yet, the meeting continued...

Nobody was paying us... All we wanted was to be dreaded in the neighbourhood... And there we were paying the demonic prices, to carry demonic power...

We were in every party and club...
We were dreaded at home and everywhere...
Parents warned their children not to follow us.. Police was always looking for us...

Our parents and siblings were always arrested because of the crimes we committed...
We were popular in police cells, and yet, we did not see anything wrong with that...

All because, 'He hath shut their eyes that they cannot see and their hearts that they cannot understand...' Isaiah 44:18...

After I gave my life to Christ, I needed to convert the zeal I had for Satan to Jesus... I needed to be surrounded by men and women.. Boys and girls who were zealous for God's work...

But unfortunately, the church I was attending then, we were only gathering every Sundays and week days to pray for money, to fight our enemies and to sow seed for visas and contracts and marriages...

Everybody needs money, but money was the last thing I needed at that time...
I needed where someone will expose me and teach me how to look into my friends faces and tell them: REPENT, JESUS LOVES YOU...

But alas, all I had around me were people who were coming to church only because of what they were expecting from God...
They were often afraid to disobey the pastor but not afraid to disobey God...

They are ashamed to go to evangelism...
But they are respected in the church...
For long when I joined the church, nobody preached about winning souls... Nobody preached about turning your office into a healing center...

All the messages of all the guest ministers were all about how to sow and how to reap... All the testimonies all those guest Preachers were sharing were testimonies of how people sowed and in few weeks, they reaped millions...

As good as these things were, but I needed to hear about the Power of God... I wanted to hear testimonies of how some members of the church invaded some ghettos and shrines and made them for God...

I was tired...
I saw the same people who I met on the streets, who were into prostitution, as they were singing in their church choirs...
From the choir seats, they go back to hotel rooms...
When they remove the choir robes, they enter into prostitution attires...

They pay tithes regularly and punctually...
They buy anointed this and anointed that...
Zealously, they come to church, not because they love God, but because they want people to see them as Christians and recommend them for marriages...

Yet, daily, the only message that comes out from the pulpit was about prosperity... Big contracts... Miracle money... Calling of the phone numbers... Etc...

No messages of salvation...
No penitence...
No conviction...
No Tears...
No Decisions and no revival...

Members comes with charms in their pockets, but they come to the well decorated altars to drop money and  they go back with their charms... Because there is no Power in the altars...

The only power we have now is power to make people to sow all they have, but not power to forsake their fraudulent business and sell out to God...

Shame on all of us!
Shame on all the churches where people are Zealously going to hell from...
Shame on all the big churches that runs 200 services, yet, nothing of eternal values are recorded in the lives of any of their members...
I am happy that God saved me from hell, but I am happier that God saved me from such a church that would have preserved me for hell...

It is obvious that we have come to a point where we will not only be going to clubs and bars to look for sinners, but inside some churches...
It is obvious that more people are going to hell from churches now than in any generation...

It is time to go to our Bible schools and start hosting crusades, because many of those student pastors you are seeing are not born again... They are in ministry because there is  no employment in the country...

It is time to look at some general overseers, controlling 10 branches and ask them: "Bishop, are you born again... Repent, for Jesus is coming soon?"

Brother, once again, after God saved me from hell fore, the next place He saved me from was the church that would have led me to hell fire...He saved me from a church that would have made me remain a Kingdom misfit... A church that would have watched me still carrying charms and guns and ladies around as long as I am paying my tithes...

I loved being in the midst of people who were passionate with whatever they were doing...
I loved staying with people who loved what they were doing enough to the point that they can die for it...

I did not see people of such soul calibre in the church where I was... All those I saw were people who only come to church on Sundays to shout amen and when next you will see them is next Sunday ..

I started missing my passionate friends in the streets who could stay all night, under the cold and rain, just to rob or rape or kill or even die...
Everyday, I will be asking God: "... is this all there is about salvation? I am committed and punctual and regular in church services, but I don't hear anything here that sets my heart on fire for You... Please, Help me, I am backsliding. I am going down again!"

That was when God led me to a new church.. The pastor and the wife, myself and my friend Charles Awuzie... We were the only members..

We started worshipping under trees...
Inside uncompleted buildings...
Rain will fall and beat us... Under sun, everyday of the week, we were there...
When they drive us out, we will locate another tree...
From there, Christ began to be formed in me...

Poor church but rich in the Word...
No car park... No rich member... No sign posts, but from that 'manger' God made Kingdom superstars...

Thank God for rev okwandu and the wife who God used to birth His hunger in me...

On the last day, we all will be suprised that those who built the most beautiful church auditoriums in our cities and pastored governors might not be recognised in heaven... There are men and women who are somewhere now raising generals that will carry the end time Fire... Those are men heaven will decorate... And those are the kind I want to hear about...

Man of God, you know those who are envying your big auditorium... Not people like us who were failed by big auditoriums where people gather to contribute money for the pastors who are competing with their Bible school friends ... We want to see the impacts of your big auditorium in your members...

Check the spiritual hunger of your members sir... How many of them calls you to ask you how to grow in love, in obedience and in evangelism?
How many of them comes to your office, crying because for over a month, they have not witnessed Jesus to anyone...?

The only time they come to your office is to tell you about who is pursing them to kill them...
They are only telling you about the contract they are going for and the promotion they are praying for...

When will you start raising members who will come to your office every week to carry evangelism tracts and tell you to pray for them, because they are invading some ghettos, and have made up their minds not to come back if they have not won many to Christ?

When will you start seeing members who will sow millions into your life and tell you that they just want the work of God in your hands to grow, and they don't have any prayer request attached to the seed?

When will you start hearing some group of boys and girls in your church praying and fasting, not for marriages or jobs or visas, but for God to use them to wrought revivals in their streets...?

The only language in your members lips are for jobs and marriage and contracts and none of them even cares to carry the Power of God to their neighbourhoods, to make Name for God...
And you are celebrating your 1year anniversary...

We have seen the landed properties and cars that you have within one year...
You are boasting with your 3rd time services, but, where is your evangelism team?
How many of the people following you will say you led them to Christ?

You are celebrating 1 year anniversary of stealing members from other churches...
1year Anniversary of raising impotent believers who are plagued with itching ears... 1year anniversary of threatening people with their dead relatives...
1year anniversary of competing with your Bible schools friends, to show them that you are doing better than them.

1year anniversary of twisting scriptures to attend to your avaricious motives
1year anniversary of raising funds from dying sinners without any remorse as to what will happen to their miserable Christless souls...
1year anniversary of sleeping with the married and unmarried ladies in your church for demonic power to do miracles...

Anniversary of bringing your demonic prophet friends, to come and deceive your church members with prophecies....
1year anniversary of paying people to pretend they were mad but you healed them...
Sir, You are celebrating 1year anniversary of pentecostal fraud and spiritual idiocy.
What an ignominious spectacle!

If I care so much about our relationship, you would have known...
If I care so much about preaching in your big church, you would have also known...
There is something we remember that we value more than your contact sir..

I Remember when I use to kneel down before the public in the mall, begging girls to give me their phone number...

People will be laughing at me...
To my hearing, everybody around will be calling me a fool... It is funny brother. The way you are laughing at me now is the way people were laughing at me then... Yet I never minded...

If I can face public ridicule because of girls when I was in the streets, why will I be ashamed to go to the streets and face public ridicule because of Jesus Christ today? If I can sleep under the rain, inside the bush for a secret parole that pays nothing... Why will I want God to bless me with new shoe first now before I start getting committed to God's work?

And why will you expect me to keep quiet when I see how we are celebrating cathedrals filled to capacity with members who are not ready to be laughed at for God's sake?

Apologies to our friends who were born born again..
We beg our colleagues who are ashamed to talk about where they are coming from because of the people they have met on the road...
We truly understand your positions...
If you are among them, sir, I dearly apologise...
But we have no program with you and your kind in this side of eternity...
Their is something we remember...

While in darkness, I was not a joker ...
And the streets is my witness...
Why now should I be comfortable pasturing members who hides their bibles and are ashamed to tell their hostel mates that they are born again?
The only thing that brings them to church is because they want miracles...

Brother, Prostitutes will travel for hours just to come and be with you ...
Like Ja Rule sang, they are 'always on time'

They will not come because they love you... Prostitutes does not want to know if you are a fine boy... They don't care about your 6 packs on your chest... Prostitute wants money...

Once she sees you, the first place she looks at is your wallet... That you are laughing inside the room with a prostitute is because she knows that you have money to pay her ...

I know you did not touch a prostitute before you gave your life to Christ... But, please, sir, wait for some of us who have touched them to tell you what we learnt from them that is making us touch our generation now that we have sold out for God....

A whore does not care if you have paid your school fees...
She does not care if any of your relative is in the hospital...
Yes, she is coming from a distance to see you... But she is not coming to feel the pains you are feeling, but just because of what you will give her...

They can be beautiful but no matter how pretty they look, I have never seen a man boasting with a prostitute... How can you boast of someone who is only around you when you have money, but far from you when you are mourning?

Friend, how do you think God feels when He sees that the only thing that brings you to Him is your problems?
How do you expect God to be proud of you when He knows that if not that you are looking for husband or jobs or contracts you would not have been going to church?

Brother, this is the greatest prostituting Christians that has walked this earth...
Many Whores are singing in our choirs...
Many harlot are our ushers... Men and women who are only coming because they need jobs and visas and promotions...

They have been to over 5 churches in one year, looking for miracles .. They don't care if there is evangelism group in that church or intercessions group...
But they can buy a bottle of 'anointing oil' at any price...
They can buy 'anointed water'...for ' assignments'... They can sow any seed... All they want is miracle... Not spiritual commitment...

They want miracles, but they don't want to lose their fraudulent contacts...
They don't want people to laugh at them because of God, but yet they want something from God... They are harlots... How can God be proud of such breed?

Now I know why Jesus told the Samaritan woman that: "... The hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the father seekers such to worship him"... John 4:23

Churches are everywhere, yet, the Father is seeking for people who will come to Him, not because of their needs, but because of His needs...

Unfortunately, many of our Bible schools are graduating young pastors who are entering the streets to raise more prostitution centers in our generation, in the name of church ...

You will stay with them for one week and all they will only be telling you is how much they raised as seeds when they ministered in some places.... But you will never hear from them how many drunkards they converted to Christ...

All the members in their churches have needs... All of them have people who wants to kill them...
All of them are looking for jobs and marriages etc...
They don't have members who are zealously following Christ because of the fact that He hung on the Cross and died for our sins...

If there is no spiritual awakening in our time, then, I will still wonder why God brought people like us out in a time like this when before our eyes, the church is tilting towards Babylon...

Sister, there is nothing wrong for you to change church this year...
Don't go back to that church where they only tell you about your needs, and nothing about God's needs...

Satan 'protects' prostitutes and 'bless' them daily with customers... Because they are not ashamed of him... They can dance naked before hundreds of people... They can stand on the road for hours, luring men to themselves... Advertising hell...

But since you gave your life to Christ, where have they laughed at you because of Jesus? Where have you advertised God?
Where have they called you mad man because of the gospel?

Prophets have been giving you 'assignments' to buy water, buy apple, buy this and that for your problems to be over..

This year, look for a church where they will give you 'assignment' to start preaching in public places... You need 'assignment' where they will start laughing at you because of the gospel of Jesus...

That's the assignment the early apostles gave their members... and yet, they lacked nothing... The early church had money, and enough to spare... And they also had passion for souls. And even the least among them were manifesting the Power of God ...
But, in our time, we say we are rich, but yet, this is the most powerless generation of Christians that has carried the Bible...

Brother, you can step up your game this year... If your church is too big, there is nothing wrong if you change to a smaller church where you will be relevant to God's work...

Why you rise and fall as a Christian is because you have not being going for evangelism...
Thank God that you have a good voice and you are needed in the choir, but that's not enough... The Holy Ghost is waiting for you to preach the gospel in your neighbourhood..

You only sang in the choir last year, but not this year again. You must step up.
You only talked about your pastor and your prophet last year, but this year, talk about Jesus. Stop advertising a prophet who could not have died for you. Jesus is the message.

The endtime army will be a shameless army...
They will not be preaching only when they are invited in programs, hotel reservations made and posters and handbills printed...

Anywhere they find themselves will be their crusade ground...
They will be doctors that will be conducting deliverances in their hospitals...
Some of them will be bankers who will be disrupting businesses because they just shock hands with customers and they will fall under the power of God...

When the church began in Acts, there was no prayer request of cars, jobs etc..
Some of them needed jobs... Some of them were had debts... But instead of crying for their needs, they all were hungry to carry the Fire that will settle their generation...
And till today, we are still benefitting from that Fire that fell on that day of Pentecost...

Sister,  that same army is what God is looking for in your city ... Don't dissappiont Him when the search gets to your street..

Husband, jobs, visas and contracts are too small for what God wants to do for you...
What He wants to do in your life will affect generations unborn...

Drop your prayer requests this year and ask Him for grace to go shameless for Him... Tell God that you want to preach inside the mall this year ...
Tell Him that you want to  to raise the dead this year...
Tell him that you want to lead your boss to Christ...

Don't let no pastor make you a spiritual imbecile again...
If you cry for souls this year the way you cried for your needs last year, you will be seeing miracles everyday...
When God sees Himself in your heart, He will put your answers in your hands...

God bless you greatly... I love you from the depth of my heart...


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