Reading your Bible for today January 11

January 11: Galatians 2:11-14

KJV Key Verse: Galatians 2:13
13 And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation.

How many times have you said you were going to do something for the new year or some other time, only to be led away from what you said by those around you? How many times have you given in to peer pressure rather than stand up for what you said you would do? I’m afraid we are probably all guilty of this many times in our lives; with all the best intentions we say we are going to change or say we will make a difference but end up giving in to our old ways because all our friends do.

Being able to stand up for yourself is hard when all around are doing their own things. Being able to stand up for what is right when all around are accustomed to doing wrong is probably harder. When we get stuck in a rut of bad habits or stuck in a rut of bad choices, it is difficult to pull yourself out of those situations. Friends who keep you from making a difference are simply doing that for themselves because it is easier to give in to the old ways rather than make that difference.

We are not given too much detail about what Peter was doing wrong other than that he was taking the side of the Jews. Making a difference can mean stepping outside of your group of friends and helping or supporting those around instead. Peter was not willing to do that, but Paul knew Christ wanted him to do this. Taking a step sideways and looking at what is going on rather than sticking to the tried and tested ways is what we need to do sometimes. We know Christ has promised never to leave us. We know He has promised to be our protector and our guide. So why not allow Him to do exactly that by placing yourself in His hands so we can move forward and help a few more people than just those in our special group of friends. Being a Christians means we should be able to allow many more people to see Christ’s light shine through us than just our friends. Helping them may well mean stepping outside of our comfort zone; but never forget Christ is always with you wherever you go!

Points to Ponder:
Do you stick to your friends?

How often do you show others you are one of God’s children?


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