Reading your Bible for today January 8

January 8: Isaiah 45:18-22

KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 45:22
22 Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.

How many times have you tried to figure things out and come to the conclusion that things are far too complicated to understand. I’m not just talking about faith, I’m talking about absolutely anything. Sometimes we look long and hard for a solution, seeking more and more complex designs and ideas only to draw a blank... then along comes someone and states the obvious answer which you did not even think of because it seemed far too simple an idea! Sometimes we just have to look at the obvious to see what the actual answer is!

So many people try to seek enlightenment by doing all manner to quests, through processes and scientific experiments. People try to come up with the most complex solutions by suggesting hidden words in original bible texts or hidden meaning in paintings or maps when most of the time the answer to their question is staring them right in the face. But because the answer is far too obvious for such an important question, they ignore it...

God’s Word may well be difficult to read in some places but that does not mean the places which state the obvious should be ignored simply because they are so obvious! God’s Word is a complete work giving us all we need to know. When it is straight forward, such as in this passage, we need to make sure we do take it in! There is only one God. He is the Creator of heaven and earth. He created earth as a living planet not a volcanic lump that had to evolve by itself. He has not given us dark and secret quests to go on, He has outlined salvation as simply as possible for us. All we need to do is to gather our thoughts together and come to the obvious conclusion; that He is our one true God and that Salvation comes through Him alone. He wants all of us to accept this simple truth so we too can have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and God.

Points to Ponder:
Do you always seem to seek the hardest solution?

Are you missing God’s obvious truth?


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