Reading your Bible for today February 11

February 11: Romans 3:27-31

KJV Key Verse: Romans 3:31
31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid*: yea, we establish the law.

How many Christians do you know who go around boasting? Bit of a trick question because I’m sure we are all guilty of boasting about something in our lives at some stage or another, maybe even every day! What this passage alludes to though, is not the boasting about the physical things we have, but the boasting about the religion! Yes, we have an Awesome God. Yes, we have a Saviour. Yes, we have the Holy Spirit – and we would be totally lost without them. Yes, we should be proud we can stand up and say we have God on our side and that we believe in Him but we must not do so through boasting about our lives.

I do hear of churches in various parts of the world talk about the amount of money they get because they believe ‘more than others’. I hear talk about churches prospering and the people within them prospering more but am yet to see proof all that go to those churches prosper. In reality, there are those who prosper and those who do not – life is like that; but the bigger the church congregation, the more people you may hear about who are prosperous, because they like to talk about it! It’s not about living right so God will give you money or belongings. It’s not about giving enough to the church so God will give you more. Yes, we should live right and we should give to the church but that is because the bible tells us we should do so.

God’s law gives us the answers as to why we should do things. God’s law gives us what we should be doing. God’s law is open to the whole world – and indeed it is as it has been translated into so many languages. But no matter how hard we try to live and how hard we try to do it all correctly, we will not get closer to heaven without believing in Jesus Christ! The law is there for a reason, but our faith is what will get us to live with God in heaven, not our works... The law can keep us straight and strengthen our faith, but Christ does the saving and our belief gives us faith to continue on and faith to believe that He will give to us what He thinks we deserve.

Points to Ponder:
Do you strive to do things right?

Do you strive to do what God knows is right too?


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