Reading your Bible for today February 15

February 15: Ezekiel 28:12-19

KJV Key Verse: Ezekiel 28:15
15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

The more we achieve the more we try and the more we get trapped into seeking achievement. Whilst achievements themselves are not bad at all, we do need to remember just who our guide behind the achievements has been. There is no way we can reach out by ourselves and claim anything which God has given us, from our simple lives through to the most complex computers in the world – our brains! It is through Him that we are able to do so much and because of His guidance we can strive to do better in our lives. Many people have turned from God after their own successes in life and have left Him behind because of their pride. Satan was the first and will certainly not be the last one who gets caught up in themselves.

The prince or king of Tyre was just another one following in Satan’s footsteps as he claimed divine honours because of all he had achieved. You may turn around and say you have never done this, but think closely about just who you think has been in control of your destiny... We do lift ourselves up and the more we do, the more we leave God out of our destiny... That is the same as lifting ourselves up to God’s level, or lifting ourselves up to divinity. The more God allows us to have, the more we need to praise Him for what He is allowing into our lives because we certainly do not deserve it with what goes on in our minds!

Each one who leaves God behind or lifts himself up to God’s position will have to face God’s own wrath. God is our creator and He alone deserves the honour and glory for all we achieve through Him. Let us never forget just how much God does for us. We may achieve so much through Him, but we still have iniquity in our hearts, so we still need Jesus Christ as our Saviour. We need to depend on Him and through Him for everything in our lives. Give Him the honour and glory that He deserves for all that He continues to do for each one of us!

Points to Ponder:
Are you proud of what you have achieved?

Do you realise just how much God has done for you?


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