Reading your Bible for Today February 2

February 2: 1 John 1:8-10

KJV Key Verse: 1 John 1:9
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

One of the hardest things to do is to admit you are wrong! No matter where we are in our lives, admitting we have done something wrong is not our idea of fun because we think it shows us up as a weaker person in some way. But, just as the alcoholic will have to admit they have a drink problem before they can move forward in their lives, we have to admit we do have a sin problem before we can move forward with God. Admitting we have a sin problem or that we have even sinned just a little (as we often see it in our eyes) is something which may well take us a long time to realise.

The first step of becoming a Christian is that admission we have done things wrong against God. We know this because we have our bibles which will show us exactly where we have done things wrong. Admitting to those things may be hard at first because it means we have to admit to not being fully in control of our actions. But when we do make this first step, we can then know just how much God loves us because He has already allowed His Son to die on the cross so our punishment for those sins has already been paid! That is what Christian loves stems from!

Just because we may well have already admitted our sins and already asked God to forgive us for them a while back, does not mean we can then forget about any which we have committed since then! Each time we recognise we have done something against God, we need to admit to those sins; those admissions being done directly to the one who paid for our sins – Jesus Christ. He has already said He will forgive us for those sins because He has already paid the price. If we do not admit to them then we are only fooling ourselves because our God is a Just God! Justice must be served... If we say we have not sinned, then we are telling Him He died for nothing and that He does not know us! He wants to forgive you...

Points to Ponder:
How often do you admit to being wrong?

How often do you admit sins to Christ?


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