Reading your Bible for today February 20

February 20: John 10:22-30

KJV Key Verse: John 10:30
30 I and my Father are one.

One of the hardest things we have to grasp is that God is three persons but one God. We can do what we like to try and explain it by earthly means by comparing Him to and egg with shell, yolk and white or by the three ways in which water can exist as solid, liquid and gas; but none of these comparisons can truly give us insight into how this is true as much as the bible can do for us. Each time we read about God being three persons or one God we have it in context and the old languages describe it adequately for us to know the truth without having to fully understand how it is possible.

There are many things in our lives which we accept as the truth without having to understand fully, my favourite explanation being how a wing is able to lift a huge aeroplane into the air when it moves through the air. Many people do not know the scientific reasons for why an aeroplane can fly but just about everyone trusts aeroplane flight implicitly – because they can see that it happens. If you were to tell this to a person from Victorian times, they may well think you are mad because they cannot see it happening, but we do see it happening so we can believe. As Christians we can see God working in our lives and know Him as real – if only we were able to bring others forward to see how real He is...

Our text today shows us Christ has done everything to bring us forward and see He is real. We are the ones who doubt and stay behind in the shadows of unbelief. The original text describes verse 30 as being more like “I and Father, we are one” because it uses the plural form showing us Christ is distinct from God the Father, being further strengthened by Him reminding us that only God the Father knows of the returning time of Jesus. But we are also told everything Christ did was of the Father, from the Father and for the Father – in other words they act in perfect unison as one because they are one (as said by Christ Himself). We don’t have to fully understand but we are given enough details for us to know the truth for what it is...

Points to Ponder:
Do you accept aeroplanes can fly?

Do you accept God is real?


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