Reading your Bible for Today February 3

February 3: 1 John 2:1-2

KJV Key Verse: 1 John 2:2
2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

To me this is one of the key verses which show us just how much Jesus showed His love on the cross. This was written by a Jew talking to others and showing them Christ had died for their sins; but he also reminds us all this was not just for the Jews but for everybody! The wording used by John also showed Christ’s death was not just for people at that time but for those who had gone before and those still to come; in other words, for all people throughout all times.

The most amazing part is that Jesus laid down His life for the sins of the whole world. The original text of the bible uses words which carefully distinguish between people who believe Christ did die for our sins with those who do not. In other words, Christ’s redemption is there for all who believe in what He did for our sins and not for those who reject Him. That is the thing that we have to remember... Christ did die for everyone, but only those who believe this is exactly what He did and why He did it will receive Him as their Advocate.

John also uses words such as “little children” to identify the way in which we are looked upon by Christ. Each one of us has been a child at some time and each one of us can probably remember times when we did things wrong and had to be punished; but each one of us has moved on from that time and those things are no longer held against us. We need to come to Him as children, expecting to be forgiven and expecting to be loved unconditionally – just as our parents probably have done.

With that sort of knowledge behind us and the proof of His love for us already having being displayed, how can we not believe He is our Living God? It is through our faith in Christ’s shed blood where we find redemption, peace, reconciliation and forgiveness of sin. It is faith in the “known,” but it remains faith because it is in the unseen. That is why God gave us the bible, so we can know He loves us!

Points to Ponder:
Do you worry about not being forgiven?

Is your faith firmly on Christ’s blood?


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