Reading your Bible for today February 4

February 4: Proverbs 15:3

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 15:3
3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

God has a full, clear and perfect knowledge of all things on this planet (and more besides). He continues to watch over everything that exists and continues to balance our world we live in. Scientists, on the other hand, continue to guess at why atoms do not fly apart and why things happen the way they do. Granted, there are some amazing scientists out there who have been able to predict behaviours of particles we cannot yet see, but they are not the ones holding them together. Just like children playing with new toys, we seem to want to be able to try and break anything we touch! But God continues to watch over us as a parent does, waiting for us to learn from our mistakes. He encourages us when we stop finding things out and He discourages us when we break too much. He is there and He is watching and He is so patient with us!

It does not mean He is willing to sit back and watch us break the world and all our fellow people! He has given us the rules and given us the encouragement we need to be able to understand things, but He also keeps a close eye on us. When we do bad stuff He does not like it. It displeases Him. How long do you think it would take before the person looking after you would start disciplining you when you started playing up? People tend to be impatient when things are going wrong and we also tend to shout rather than work out the problem properly. God, on the other hand, knows exactly what is best for us and will do that... It does not mean that we will like what He does!

We cannot hide from God like we can hide from our parents or those in charge of affairs. We like to seek out dark places to hide (places that are far from the truth – the truth being the light). We like to think nobody can see us if we are far enough away from the truth... but God is watching over us. Each time we rebel in any way, we are doing that in front of Him. Each time we hide from the truth, He is watching us try to hide. He wants us to be good. He wants us to follow the truth. All He asks is that we ask for assistance to do what is right!

Points to Ponder:
Where do you run to hide?

Do you realise how much you affect God?


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