Reading your Bible for today February 6

February 6: Romans 5:15-21

KJV Key Verse: Romans 5:20
20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:

Does it seem strange to you that doing things wrong is easy but to do things right is hard? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Well, I think the reason for this is the way we are brought up... not so much our parents, but the peers we have surrounding us. The world around us is deep in sin and following on the example of all those around you seems to be the easiest thing to do. Trying to find people who are doing the right thing is now a task in hand and seeing the hardships they have to face in order to try and get done what is right is not pleasing to the eye – so we give in to the other things in our lives and take the easy route!

Man has always been like this way and continues to make bad choices – we only have to look through history and see just how much we have destroyed in our history to realise how we do continue to make unsound decisions which lead to sadness, death and destruction. Digging our way out of those rather large holes we insist on making for ourselves is then an uphill struggle which we don’t like to take; instead we try to find a quick fix or easy way out. Sometimes what we have to do is put aside the easy and tempting ways and dig in to do it the right way no matter how hard it may seem.

God has shown us His mercy and grace and leaves before us the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. He has given to us a safe place whereby we will retain eternal life. It’s not an easy path to try and stay there whilst everything else around us seems to be crumbling and tempting but try we must. His grace will support us through our trials and will give us the encouragement that we need – so long as we continue to depend on Him. That is the key factor – we need to depend on Him. If we try to justify things ourselves, we end up in hot water because we are all guilty. We have the choice as to whether we stay in bonds to a life of sin or whether we turn our backs on it and depend on the unseen. We gain more when we turn to Christ than we lose when we turn away from sin. It may not seem like when you are drenched in sin, but that is the truth. The only way we recognise this is when we do take the first step away from sin and fall in Christ’s arms.

Points to Ponder:
Do you think everybody else has a good life?

Are you looking at your life in eternity?


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