Reading your Bible for today

February 13: Romans 12:17-21

KJV Key Verse: Romans 12:21
21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

There are times in our lives when we think there is just no way we will be able to love our neighbours because they or so far from what we would call friends. Those are the people we need to try and reach because when it comes down to why, it is probably only feelings which are separating us from being their friends. There is only one truth in the world, and we know it; so many enemies are based on what people believe. As long as we are willing to hold a hand out and show others we are willing to give a helping hand, then maybe there will be a spark of life left in them which will allow them to see that, just maybe, we know something better than hatred.

If we are able to allow people to have an open mind for a moment, God’s Word will be able to make an entrance – the choice will then be theirs as to whether they take on the truth or ignore it. In the words of Bishop Desmond Tutu “God has such respect for us that He prefers we go freely to hell if that is our choice”. God has given us the choice as to what we want to do, but not everybody knows the choices yet. If you went into an election where you only knew one of the people standing for the post, then you would most likely vote for them because you did not know anything better... if people do not know God is a reality then they will not know they have a choice like us.

Showing support for others when they think we are against them will make them stop and think about what we are doing. Unless they are so caught up in fear that they cannot make us out, they will begin to see we want them to have what we have. Just as we were fighting against God at one stage in our lives, so are others. He was the one who first showed us His love so we would take time to think about what He wants for us. Where did we get the idea to first start searching for God? That may well have come from someone we know who reached out their hand to us so we would stop and think. Reach out, make someone else stop and think...

Points to Ponder:
Who first introduced God to you?

Have you mentioned God to someone recently?


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